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Inspired by the Old 100th hymn ("All People That on Earth Do Dwell") and the beloved doxology ("Praise God from whom all blessings flow…"), we're launching a special giving campaign across the Jurisdiction of Armed Forces and Anglican Chaplains. We're inviting chaplains, their families, friends, and all supporters to contribute $100 between

September 1st and November 4th.

About 100th



The Seal of the Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy®

The Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy®

The Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy® (JAFC) provides for the endorsement and care of chaplains  under the oversight of the Bishop of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy who serve in U.S. military, other federal and local government, hospital and hospice, law enforcement and other vocational and volunteer chaplaincies. The JAFC is the canonical residence and licensing agency for professional chaplains with the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), and other participating Anglican bodies.

The primary purpose of the JAFC is to screen, endorse and support those discerned by the church to be called by God to service as chaplains – both lay and ordained – to include: Anglican clergy of the ACNA; those in the process towards ordination in the ACNA ; Anglican Christians sensing a call to a particular chaplaincy; those already serving as non-Anglican chaplains (Protestant, Roman Catholic or Orthodox clergy), but who are in the process of being drawn to the Anglican Christian tradition. 
Except in unique cases, the JAFC looks to the geographical diocese and local parish to lead the process of discernment of those who the Lord may be calling to serve as chaplains, to include discernment towards diaconal and priestly ordination for those chaplaincies requiring the sacramental ministries of the church.  For those whose sense of call carries with it the draw towards chaplaincy, we join with the diocese and local parish as a part of their discernment process, providing chaplaincy-related objectives, questions and dialogue through appropriate channels and receiving progress reports from the priest-in-charge and discernment committee via their designated point of contact.

The Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy®
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